App Store Optimization
Agency in Delhi NCR

Get organic traffic to your app to get more downloads for the price of free.


Being ASO experts in Delhi,
followingare the App Store Optimization Techniques we follow to get you most organic downloads for your app.

Being ASO experts in Delhi,

Following are the App Store Optimization Techniques we follow to get you most organic downloads for your app.
App Name
App Name

App Name is the most important aspect of ASO. We optimize your App Name with right keywords that users are searching for.

App Description

App Description has to be SEO friendly. It should include keywords that people are searching for and also should have correct formatting.

Mobile App Screenshots
App Screenshots

We make sure your app screenshots look awesome, so that users who see the screenshots definitely decide to download app.

Backlinks Monitering

It is very important to generate backlinks for App Store page. We get backlinks to improve ranking of your app in search engines.

App Indexing
App Indexing

App Indexing is a very powerful technique to get content of your app indexed in search engines and get direct downloads.


If your app is relevant for multiple locations, then we localize your content and screenshots as per them to get more downloads.

Frequently asked questions
How we do App Store Optimization for Your App to Make Your App Rank at Top in Play Store

Before any App store optimization is done, a thorough keyword research has to be done. With our proven keyword research techniques, we ensure that we find all the right keywords that users are using to find apps like yours. We not only find direct keywords, but we also find long tail keywords that relate to your app. Based on this keyword research, we devise the complete App Store Optimization strategy. As one of the best ASO experts in Delhi, we figure out what is the best way to make your app rank for the keywords that we have identified. The entire plan is then put into action to ensure that your app ranks at the top whenever users search for any of those keywords. This ranking is achieved both for searches performed in App Store, as well as directly in Search Engines.

Once we have found right keywords to use for your app, the first step is to optimize App Name for those keywords. Most of the developers just put the name of their business in the App name, but that is not the correct ASO strategy. Instead, the app name should have your main keyword for which you are trying to rank the app. Not only that, the keyword should come in the beginning of the App name to get most SEO impact. In fact, your app’s business name will only be added to the app name if the space permits. Most important aspect of App Name is to have the right keywords in it, as this is one of the most important aspect of App Store ranking. Research has proved time and again that the apps that have keywords in their names rank much higher than those app who don’t. In fact, even if you check very popular apps like Skype, WhatsApp, etc., you will notice that their app names also contain keywords about what those apps do. Based on this knowledge, we completely optimize your App’s Name. This is really the most important part of App Store optimization which most of the other ASO agencies miss.

After we have optimized your App Name, next and the most time consuming process is optimizing App Description to make it SEO friendly. The App Description should not only describe what your app does, but it should do that in a way so that all the right keywords are properly used in that. The App Description has to be written keeping the keywords in mind. There should not be any keyword stuffing, but instead, keywords should be naturally sprinkled throughout the App Store Description to get the most SEO benefits. A well written app store description can ensure that your app keeps getting traffic from Search engines for a very long time. This traffic will come not only directly from Play Store searches, but will also come from Search engines when users type those keywords in Google / Bing etc.

Now, it is not just important to have a keyword rich App store description, it is also very important to ensure that App description has been formatted properly. For example, first 3 lines of App Description are most important as they show up as App Summary when a user opens your App’s Play Store page. So, it is very important that those first 3 lines are most impressive. In addition to that, the rest of the App description also has to be formatted properly. Most of the people don’t know that there are ways to add formatting to App Store Descriptions. You can add bullet list, Bold, Underline, etc. So, these formatting options should be properly used to highlight app keywords, as well as lay out all the features.

Being one of the most knowledgeable ASO Company of Delhi, we know all the tips and techniques to get best possible App Store Description for your app. And we also know what are the different rules and conventions to be followed on different app stores, like, Google Play Store, iOS App Store, Amazon AppStore, Opera Mobile App Store, GetJar, and all other third party app stores out there.

Great app screenshots ensure that when a user lands on your App’s Store page, they get attracted towards the app, and then go ahead and download it. A good app screenshot is one that clearly shows the interface of the app, its main features, as well as how it is better from competitors. Not only that, screenshots should always contain text that highlights various features of the app. Being one of the best ASO agency, we know how to create great screenshots for your app that can attract users to download your app. We know the best app screenshots should include template of some phone, so that users can visually see how app will look on the phone. Not only that, we also understand that the screenshots do not have to be true screenshots of the app; instead, they can be modified to highlight various features of your app. And finally, we know what type of text to add to App screenshots to ensure that users can read it easily, even on their mobile phones, and it helps users in deciding to download the app. Our team of designers works closely with our team of ASO experts to create best possible screenshots for your app. This results in screenshots that improve the app store page visits to downloads ratio.

Apart from screenshots, another very important visual component of App Store Description is App icon. App icon is something that is first to get user’s attention when they search for anything directly on the Play Store. If you have an app for a brand that is very popular, then the App icon should ideally represent the logo of the brand. However, if the app represents a brand that is not too popular yet, then the App icon should actually represent the purpose of the app. For example, if the app is some sort of Video player, then the app icon should have a video player on that with a big Play Sign. So, based on what your app does, we create a great looking App icon for you that stands apart in Play Store listing, and helps you outshine your competitors. A great app icon can be the differentiating factor that decides which app a user clicks on to open its description page. Being one of the best ASO firm, we know exactly how to create a pixel perfect icon that looks great, represents what your app does, and prompts users to download your app.

It is pretty complicated to make great looking videos that can be added to Play Store, so most of the developers don’t include videos in their App Store Description. However, a great video can help you stand apart from your competitors. This is especially true if your app is in a niche that is highly competitive. In that case, presence of a video in your App Store description lends lot of professionalism to your app. Not only that, you can very efficiently utilize videos to depict what your app does, what are its various features, and how your app is better than your competitors. We have an in house video editing team that is expert in creating such videos. They can create teaser videos that can give a brief overview of your app as well as highlight its features. Not only that, they can also create tutorial videos with voice over that will clearly demonstrate to users how to use your app. You can be sure that presence of such videos will not only take your App Store Optimization to next level, it will also help in encouraging users to download your app, instead of your competitor’s app.

App Stores give an option to Localize App listing so that users from different regions can see the app listing in their native language. So, if you have an app that operates in multiple regions, it is essential to have an app store listing that is customized for different languages. This will ensure that when non-English users open your App’s description page, they are able to read the App description in their native language. This will help you get a lot of additional Non-English users. Not only that, this will also help you in connecting with your users better, as they will directly feel connected to your app when they see the App’s description in their native language. Being one of the most knowledgeable ASO Company, we know exactly how to Localize App Listing to ensure it works best in most of the regions of the world. Not only App Listing, we also Localize screenshots of the app to ensure that your Non-English users are able to read and understand screenshots also clearly. It is already proven that such Localized App store Listings can really help in boosting app downloads. And the fact that this is just a one-time exercise ensures that this is something that should definitely be done. Localizing App store listing is something that can get you best ROI. We can help you Localize app store listing as well as app screenshots in various languages. Either you can provide your own translation of the App store listing, or we can work with external native language translators to get clear and correct translation done of App Store listing.

App Indexing is a fairly new technique of getting your app’s content indexed by search engines. Earlier, search engines could only index the App store Description, and based on that they used to rank the apps. However, now search engines can actually index the entire content of your app. This means that if users are searching for something specific, then search engines can show your app in search results, and that can lead to a lot more downloads of the app. This requires technical changes to the app to ensure that search engines are able to index content of the app properly. We can work directly with your technical team to get the App indexing done. Not only that, we can also optimize the content in your app to make it search engine friendly, so that it can directly rank in search engines. App Indexing is something that a very few apps are doing as of now, so we make sure to get this done on our client’s apps to ensure their apps are able to stand apart from their competitors.

Google Play Store includes a “What’s New” field. Ideally, this field is meant to highlight what has changed in the latest version of the app. But not many people realize that this is one of the few fields that is always visible on the App’s description page. So, this field should actually be cleverly utilized to highlight not only the latest changes in the app, but also its prominent features. Our team of ASO experts strategically uses What’s New field to arouse users’ interest towards your app and generate more downloads.

We not only get the App Store Listing right in the first go, we also ensure to keep it regularly updated. Updates have to be done to listing page to reflect seasonality, various sales and offers, and new features that might be added to the app. We regularly check Analytics of your App on App stores and see what is working and what can be improved further, and based on that we update your app’s listing page. Regular updates also ensure that when users land on your app’s page, they see that the app is regularly updated, and is hence more current than your competitors.

A big factor in getting app ranked is Ratings and Feedback. If an app has more positive ratings, then there are higher chances of it ranking higher in Play store search results page. Also, users tend to download those apps that have better ratings and more ratings. There are some clever techniques to encourage users to leave ratings for your app. For example, right after they have some positive experience with the app, they can be prompted to leave a rating for the app. The positive experiences could include repeated visits by a user to your app, completion of purchase process from within the app, spending a lot of time in the app, and so on. We work with your technical team to identify best touch points in your app where the users should be prompted to leave rating for the app. This will help in boosting number of positive ratings and feedback that your app gets, and in turn can lead to better ranking of your app.

Apart from optimizing everything related to an app on the App store page itself, some of the ASO also needs to be carried out outside the App Store. Most important part of such ASO is Link Building. You need to get the links built to your app’s description page, so that it ranks higher in search engine. This is done in the same manner as SEO activities are done to rank your website higher. With tremendous experience in SEO and generating thousands of backlinks, our team is very well qualified to generate backlinks to your App’s Store page.

So, with all the above activities, we get the best possible ASO done for your app. Whichever platform your app might be on, you can trust us with your ASO needs as one of the best ASO Agency of Delhi. Our results speak for themselves.

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